
Unlocking Pain-Free Mobility and Healing: Meet Andrew Escudero, Certified Fascial Stretch Specialist

Established in 2019

In early 2015 I was constantly suffering from leg, arms, or lower back injuries from practicing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, and was recommended I see a stretch therapist at the gym where I practiced. After a couple of sessions I realized how good my body felt. The therapist that stretched me invited me to go see her husband which was the first person to be Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) certified in the state of Hawaii. After a few sessions with him and having conversations he invited me to attend his bodywork and stretching courses. My initial thought was “Great! I can fix myself and help fix my peers and family members!” In 2018, I asked my mentor if he thought I should take the FST course in Phoenix, Arizona, and he told me go for it. In 2019, I took the plunge and became FST certified! In mid-2020 during the covid pandemic I also became certified in IASTM blading, kinesiology taping, muscle flossing, cupping and LifeStretch.

My Experience

MPS Scar release therapy

Obtained certification by Dolphin MPS in Scar Release Therapy.

FST Level 3

Returned to The Stretch to Win Institute to obtain third certification.

Micropoint Neurostim certified

Obtained certification by Dolphin MPS in Neuromicrostim Therapy.

FST Level 2

Returned to The Stretch to Win Institute to obtain second certification.


Rocktape Certified

Rocktape certifications in Kinesiology Taping, IASTM Blades, Muscle Flossing, and Cupping.

FST Level 1

Fascial Stretch Therapy certified at The Stretch to Win Institute in Phoenix, AZ.